Surfpup's tConfig Mod Wiki

This data was retrieved from Config.cs, running Terraria v{{{Download}}}.

[[Category:Terraria v{{{Download}}}]]

Projectile Attributes

Terraria Attributes[]

Name Type Description
width int The width of the projectile's hitbox, in pixels.
height int The height of the projectile's hitbox, in pixels.
soundDelay int The delay until the projectile's sound plays when initialized.
melee bool Whether this projectile's damage is considered melee. Melee takes priority over ranged, which takes priority over magic. This means this is rarely used.
ranged bool Whether this projectile's damage is considered ranged. Melee takes priority over ranged, which takes priority over magic.
magic bool Whether this projectile's damage is considered magic. Melee takes priority over ranged, which takes priority over magic.
ownerHitCheck bool Whether or not the projectile needs line-of-effect between the owner and a potential target to hit it.
hide bool Whether to draw this projectile onscreen.
ignoreWater bool Whether passing through water impedes this projectile at all.
hostile bool Whether this projectile is considered hostile, meaning it will harm players and NPCs marked as friendly.
light float How much light this projectile emits while active.
penetrate int How many enemies the projectile will penetrate before disappearing.

Default value: 1

tileCollide bool Whether this projectile ignores tile collisions, passing through them.

Default value: true

aiStyle int The behavior of this projectile while it exists in the world. See List of Projectile AI Styles for more information.
alpha int The alpha blending applied to this projectile. 0 is fully opaque, while 255 is invisible.
type int The type value to refer to this kind of projectile. A value of -1 indicates this is a custom projectile. See List of Projectiles and Item & Projectile Tutorial for more information.

Default value: -1

scale float A multiplier for how large to draw this projectile.

Default value: 1f

timeLeft int The time in frames before this projectile disappears. Remember that there are 60 frames in one second. A value of 3600 for example, would be a full minute.

Default value: 3600

name string The name of the projectile expressed as a string. Note that the only time it is displayed ingame is when it kills a player, and written in the death message (and possibly on a tombstone as well).

Default value: "Unnamed"

friendly bool Whether this projectile is considered friendly, meaning it will not harm players and NPCs marked as friendly.
damage int How much damage this projectile does when it collides with a valid target.
knockBack float The force of knockback that is applied when this projectile hits something. Remember that NPCs have resistance to knockback, while players do not. See NPC Attributes for more information.
aiPretendStyle int How the projectile disappears in contact to tile (paricles)
active bool ???
ai float[] ???
direction int ???
frame int ???
frameCounter int ???
identity int ???
lastPosition Vector2 ???
lavaWet bool ???
localAI float[] ???
maxAI int ???
maxUpdates int ???
miscText string ???
netSpam int ???
netUpdate bool ???
netUpdate2 bool ???
numUpdates int ???
oldPos Vector2 ???
owner int ???
playerImmune int[] ???
position Vector2 ???
restrikeDelay int ???
rotation float ???
spriteDirection int ???
velocity Vector2 ???
wet bool ???
wetCount byte ???
whoAmI int ???

tConfig Attributes[]

Name Type Description
This will be filled out later. it was not filled out later.